Schlagwort-Archive: Lyubimets

Harmanli 21: Four stay in Lyubimets – the others have asked for repatriation

On the 24th and 25th of October 2018 another court session against the Harmanli 21 took place. The session was attended by seven people out of the 10 people who attended the last court cases. It was reported, that the three … Weiterlesen

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The start of the trial against the Harmanli 21

On the 24th of April 2018, at 13:30, the first hearing of the trial about the riot in the camp took place at the Regional court in Harmanli. At already 13:00, journalists had gathered in front of the court house. Some of … Weiterlesen

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No hope, no information: The Detention of Migrants in Bulgaria

In February 2016, Bordermonitoring Bulgaria (BMB) obtained the story of an asylum seeker who was kicked out of the camp in Ovcha Kupel for allegedly being absent for three days without giving notice. After he got kicked out, he found a restaurant … Weiterlesen

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Legal and organizational problems in Bulgaria’s closed camps

At the moment, there are three camps of a closed type existing in Bulgaria. The buildings, which are administered from the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior (MoI), provide 1,040 places: The Detention Center in Busmantsi has 400, the Detention Center in … Weiterlesen

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Group of 34 people rescued in the forests between Bulgaria and Serbia

On the 28th of February, BMB received a message from a kurdish and arabic speaking group of 34 refugees, who were urgently calling out for help, via WhatsApp. The people were lost for days in the forests between Bulgaria and Serbia. A … Weiterlesen

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New hunger strike, push-backs and death in the border region

According to information received from asylum seekers, there has been a hunger strike in the detention facility in Lyubimets for the last few days. Nearly 100 people, including women and children, have taken part in the protest action. The reasons … Weiterlesen

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The struggle in the camps continues

On 19th of November, refugees in Harmanli have gone on a hunger strike in the „closed type“ camp of Harmanli, among them more than 100 people, including children. Refugees tried to prevent a truck to enter the camp. Several refugees in … Weiterlesen

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Hungerstrike in Lyubimets

The detention centers of Lyubimets and Busmantsi are quite often overcrowded due to the gradual increase of the number of asylum applications. The total capacity of the centers is 700 places. Outside the EU-financed detention center of Lyubimets (about 4.5 Million Euro) one … Weiterlesen

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