Schlagwort-Archive: Busmantsi

Starving against deportation

The human rights activist Abdulrahman al-Khalidi from Saudi Arabia has been imprisoned in Bulgaria for almost three years. Because he fears being deported, he has gone on hunger strike. Abdulrahman al-Khalidi was only allowed to leave the Busmantsi deportation center … Weiterlesen

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New allegations against Bulgarian authorities concerning a short-term prison in Vidin

The Bulgarian authorities are currently confronted with a specific case concerning an Iraqi citizen who has already returned to his country of origin. On January 13, 2019, he was detained to the CCC – Vidin without identity documents and charged … Weiterlesen

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The Black Hole of EU-Asylum

European Commission, State Agency for Refugees and Ministry of Interior keep silent regarding a leaked letter addressing the situation of Asylum Seekers in Bulgaria In November 2017, a leaked document from 6th July circulated in the media. The document, written … Weiterlesen

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„It stinks.“

The following contribution is an English translation of a report, which was written by the human rights lawyer Valeria Ilareva, from the Foundation for Access to Rights (FAR) which was published in December 2016. The tranlsation was done by Daniel. My day begins with … Weiterlesen

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Hunger Strike in Busmantsi’s Detention Center

Today, a hungerstrike was launched by more than 200 migrants in the detention Center of Busmantsi. The Afghan and Pakistani people on strike are protesting against the bad circumstances in the facility, hygiene, the bad qualitiy of food and a lack of medical treatment. They … Weiterlesen

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No hope, no information: The Detention of Migrants in Bulgaria

In February 2016, Bordermonitoring Bulgaria (BMB) obtained the story of an asylum seeker who was kicked out of the camp in Ovcha Kupel for allegedly being absent for three days without giving notice. After he got kicked out, he found a restaurant … Weiterlesen

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Bulgaria’s State Agency for Refugees is registering more asylum seekers

In September 2016, the State Agency for Refugees (SAR) published that it registered 2,776 people asylum seekers during August, 1,543 asylum seekers more than it registered in July. From January the 1st until August the 31st, the SAR granted refugee status to 376 people and 302 got humanitarian … Weiterlesen

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Bulgaria responds with push-backs to the increasing amount of asylum-seekers

In the last days there were reports appearing concerning several groups of people who managed to pass from Greece to Bulgaria. It was furthermore reported by the news agency Novinite that 53 migrants were quickly sent back by the Bulgarian authorities … Weiterlesen

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Legal and organizational problems in Bulgaria’s closed camps

At the moment, there are three camps of a closed type existing in Bulgaria. The buildings, which are administered from the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior (MoI), provide 1,040 places: The Detention Center in Busmantsi has 400, the Detention Center in … Weiterlesen

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The struggle in the camps continues

On 19th of November, refugees in Harmanli have gone on a hunger strike in the „closed type“ camp of Harmanli, among them more than 100 people, including children. Refugees tried to prevent a truck to enter the camp. Several refugees in … Weiterlesen

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