In the beginning of October 2013, the executive director of FRONTEX called the Bulgarian-Turkish border the „the most important land border in the EU„. In another interview, he admitted that – from time to time – the agency is involved in the Refoulement on migrants. The Interior Minister of Bulgaria said, that the agency will send 29 employees to deal with the situation at the border. He added that almost 100% of the people crossing the border are detained. The Bulgarian parliament just voted for a 30 km wall with 3 m high barriers on the Bulgarian-Turkish border. The Bulgarian Army began with the construction on the 24th of October 2013. UNHCR Bulgaria commented, that this may lead people to undertake more dangerous crossings.
The Interior Minister confirmed the intention of the government to build the fence for „stabilizing“ the border security. It is supposed to be in the near of Elhovo, where the State Agency for Refugees is planning for a new refugee center. The new wall will cost 5 million euro and is funded by the EU. In addition, the Bulgarian state plans to send back refugees, who are trying to enter Bulgaria, or at least sending them to „regular border crossing checkpoints“. The fence was already criticized by NGOs. In Turkey the numbers of Syrian refugees have increased above 600 000.
The capacity of the territorial units of the State Agency for Refugees (SAR) was exceeded once again. Meanwhile the chief of SAR said that the media might be allowed to go in the closed camp in Harmanli. With more than 650 people, the new place is already overcrowded. He added that there will be video cameras installed in all refugee camps to control „public order“. Days ago, a Syrian woman, who is accommodated at the new „temporary“ shelter, had a miscarriage. At the moment close to 8000 refugees are living in Bulgaria, 500 of them are currently in custody. Protests against a refugee camp took place in Kazanlak.