Schlagwort-Archive: State agency for refugees

The Black Hole of EU-Asylum

European Commission, State Agency for Refugees and Ministry of Interior keep silent regarding a leaked letter addressing the situation of Asylum Seekers in Bulgaria In November 2017, a leaked document from 6th July circulated in the media. The document, written … Weiterlesen

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Bulgaria restricts Freedom of Movement for asylum seekers

On the 21st of September 2017 the Bulgarian government released a regulation about the restriction of the freedom of movement for registered asylum seekers in Bulgaria. The imposed limits are defined in perimeters for the asylum seekers who are registered … Weiterlesen

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Only 13 refugees in Bulgaria receive social assistance from the state

In March 2017, it came out to be known that only 13 refugees in Bulgaria receive social money as a social help from the Bulgarian state, because of their disabilities. Apart from that, no other refugee in Bulgaria gets cash in some form … Weiterlesen

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A huge number of migrants leave Bulgaria

Recently, the State Agency for Refugee (SAR) and the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior (MoI) stated in a report that already thousands of people had left Bulgaria, this year. In January 2017, more than 2210 migrants had already left the country and … Weiterlesen

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Refugee family with a status has to leave Belene

Some days ago, a Syrian family, who already received a status, was welcomed by the Catholic church in Belene in the north of Bulgaria. But this was a problem for Krasimir Todorov, a municipal councilor, who organized some locals to protest against … Weiterlesen

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Human Rights are still negotiable in Bulgaria

According to the State Agency for Refugees (SAR), 19,418 asylum applications were registered in Bulgaria (mainly by Afghan, Syrians and Iraqi nationals) last year. From all Afghan asylum seekers, 2,5% of them got a positive decision. Currently, the SAR suggests that 3,728 asylum … Weiterlesen

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„It stinks.“

The following contribution is an English translation of a report, which was written by the human rights lawyer Valeria Ilareva, from the Foundation for Access to Rights (FAR) which was published in December 2016. The tranlsation was done by Daniel. My day begins with … Weiterlesen

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Harmanli: The days after the riot

It was reported that after the riots, in the night, around 9 p.m. the police stormed into the three buildings, which are inhabited by asylum seekers predominantly from Afghanistan. They have beaten severely all men and teenage boys for two hours and … Weiterlesen

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Harmanli’s refugee camp under Quarantine

Tomorrow, the 22rd of November 2016, the camp in Harmanli will be functioning as a closed refugee camp. While the Deputy Minister of Health Vanio Sharkov announced the closing as a temporally one, after a meeting of the chairwoman of the … Weiterlesen

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Hunger Strike in Busmantsi’s Detention Center

Today, a hungerstrike was launched by more than 200 migrants in the detention Center of Busmantsi. The Afghan and Pakistani people on strike are protesting against the bad circumstances in the facility, hygiene, the bad qualitiy of food and a lack of medical treatment. They … Weiterlesen

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